What are my uSP’s?

anEverything I do in life, I tend to do it all-in and with a smile where possible. Empowering others and creating a positive impact is the red thread in my life, as well as my passion for ‘humanity’       (human development, human behavior and human interconnection).

People appreciate me most – that’s what they tell me at least – for my energy. What comes next? My real-life-experience and my pragmatism, my sense of responsibility/ownership and my empathy for diverse realities, thanks to my past. 

As a coach/trainer/facilitator, I love energizing people and organizations to embrace growth, while empowering their resilience and caring about interpersonal connection. 

My focus? I offer mainly coaching (for teams and executives), (virtual and live) trainings and facilitation of growth via teamcoaching, intervision talks and energizing keynotes. 

For other matters, I love collaborating with people and organizations whose expertise/experience and/or way of working I highly value such as: Florence Pourtois, owner of Manacoach structure, and Lize Leunens, Clinical Psychologist (PhD)- Systemic Psychotherapist, Trainer and Coach,

. The above list of people I like to collaborate with is not exhaustive: I look forward to searching with you for the perfect fit, regarding a certain challenge,

My engagement in other projects?

Somehow, I like to think of myself as a cat with 7 lives…Apart from my work as a consultant, I like to involve myself in other enriching projects too, mainly purpose driven and on a voluntary basis. 

As founder and board-member of the non-profit initiative TADA, I proudly contribute a little stone to the development of our (vulnerable) youth and to improved civic education in Belgium. You want to make a contribution to that? Check and help out TADA, still today, here!

As a board member of the Baillet Latour Foundation and as an alumni of the Belgian community of 40 leaders under 40 and, I also love being involved in communities that (try to) impact our Belgian society in a positive way. My themes of expertise?  Diversity, inclusion and educational inequality. More info on the website of 40under40 and on the website of La fondation de Baillet Latour.

What do I offer?



Is your team stuck or would you like to connect in order to work even better together, in the future?


Are you in doubt about certain professional and/or life questions? Do you want to give your mind some oxygen?


Do you want to facilitate growth by developing certain skills and/or insights with yourself/your team?


Do you want to learn from fellow professionals and/or colleagues in an organized, safe conversation?


Do you want to inspire your team/community with a speech or a short, intense, inspiring workshop?

I am glad to work out a tailor-made approach for you and your team, in which I combine various of the concepts mentioned, in function of the needs. Do you want to know more about it?

Let's talk! E-mail me!