Referencing to best practices and data, in a pragmatic way. Founder mindset.

I care a lot about working in a pragmatic, efficient, problem-solving way. In  trainings and sessions of facilitation, when we look at (international) research and concepts, we’ll embrace simplicity and implementability. In coaching sessions, we’ll dive into previous successes and best practices of our own and we’ll learn from real-life experiences of successful people walking the talk and leading by example

Learning by doing and by daring greatly.

“You don’t learn by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over”, Richard Branson once said. Growing from successes and mistakes through practice and exchange, is something that I care about a lot in trainings, in moments of intervision and in sessions with teams, therefore. We alternate moments of interaction with moments of info-sharing and self-reflection, to have an excellent atmosphere for growth.

Joy and connection!

I truly believe people – myself included – learn best in a positive context. Us humans thrive when we experience flow, joy and connection. Inspired by the worldwide renowned approach of solution focused brief therapy, you can count on me to encourage feelings of flow and connection. 

How about my experience, certificates, credentials?

 Experienced by growing up in family-business-context, by leading my own organisation and by learning non-stop, I do what I can to expose the better version of yourself and of your team. The past years, I have grown a lot too thanks to (ICF-accredited) trainings, thanks to daily contact with leaders and thanks to doing, daring and also failing greatly.

Below a summary of my most recent experiences/certificates/credentials:

2023 - ICF Credential: Associate Certified Coach

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the world’s top organization for coaches and coaching. In 2023, I was honored by the ICF as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), showcasing my extensive training (60+ hours) and experience (100+ hours). As a credential-holder, I have proven my expertise in applying the ICF Core Competencies, Code of Ethics and definition of coaching.

2022 - Certificate Insights Practitioner

Insights discovery is a psychometric tool based on Jungian psychology, which uses a four-colour model to highlight key personality preferences and associated behaviours. Since 2022, I am allowed to take Insights personality tests and to offer Insights trainings as an Insights practitioner ;

2022 - Certificate Coach Solution Focus Therapy

‘Solution focused brief therapy’ has been inspiring me for years already. In 2022, I did a 6-month training, this way becoming a brief coach according to the ‘solution focused brief therapy’ of the international, ICF-accredited network of Solutionsurfers;

2021-2022 - Fellow 40 leaders under 40 (Belgium)

As a fellow of the Belgian community ‘40 leaders under 40‘, I enjoyed a one year leadership development trajectory, in which I learned from the very best Belgian (senior) leaders;

Since 2021 - Consultant at Manacoach

As a consultant at Manacoach, I have been able to learn from Florence Pourtois, owner of this institute. Manacoach has more than 30 years of experience in the sector;

2012-2020 - Founder and Managing Director TADA

In 2012, I founded my own organization: TADA.  TADA has by now about 50 people on the payroll and has inspired thousands of people from all layers of our Belgian society; I was managing director from 2012-2013 to 2020-2021 ; At present I remain involved as founder and board member;

For more info about other experiences and trainings, please check out my LinkedIn profile